
Define ldquogender stereotypesrdquo in your own words

1. Define “Gender Stereotypes.”  In your own words, what does this term mean?  Give an example of one male and one female stereotype.

2. Define “Androcentrism.”  In your own words, what does this bias refer to?  Give an example of the androcentric bias in real life.

3. understanding  Mixed-Gender Communication.  Your text discusses observed differences in communication between males and females. 

a). The sociolinguistic, Deborah Tannen, discusses a ‘clash of two cultures’ in reference to gender differences in communication.  Specifically, your own words what languages are men and women socialized or “taught” to learn as they are growing up?

b).  According to Tannen, how do males and females each approach conversation? your own words?

4. Define “Instrumental” and “Expressive” styles of communication.  In your own words, what do these two terms mean? 

Which style is traditionally association with which gender?

5. Put it all together. Consider what the questions you have answered above.  How do gender stereotypes, androcentrism, and differences in styles of communication lead to the communication problems listed in your book?  (You really have to think about this; I’m looking for more than a re-write of the Application section (.)

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