
define laser tweezers technologyin addition to

Define Laser Tweezers Technology?

In addition to above said classical methods, advance technologies can be used for obtaining pure cultures. Laser tweezers technology is useful for isolation of slow growing bacteria and for microorganisms that are present in such a low number that these may be missed using dilution based enrichment method. Laser tweezers allow one to trap a single cell from a viewing microscopic field by the laser beam and moves it away from other contaminants. The cell is then put into a sterile medium to initiate a pure culture.

Regardless of the method used to purify a culture, once a pure culture is obtained, it is essential to check its purity, which can be done as under:

(1) Microscopically - Presence of a single type of cells in a culture.

(2) Colony characteristics on plates - Different microbes have different colony characteristics.

(3) Culturing on various media.

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Biology: define laser tweezers technologyin addition to
Reference No:- TGS0292702

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