
define issues that are covered by nutrition

Define issues that are covered by nutrition economics?

The issues that are covered by nutrition economics include:

1. Quantities of food commodities and their development in time (Food Production Systems).

2. Prices of food commodities and their development in time.

3. Share of nutrition expenditures in total expenditures and their development in time.

4. Development of total expenditures on food in stable prices.

5. Statement of the nutrition need according to the demographic structure of the population.

6. Transfer of commodities into biological, nutritious values and their development in time.

7. Construction of balances between the nutritious values and the nutrition needs.

8. International comparisons.

9. Construction of the recommended food/dietary allowances (RFAPRDA).

10. Estimates of the future demand of food dietary commodities.

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Biology: define issues that are covered by nutrition
Reference No:- TGS0308258

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