
Define information security standards

Project description

“The Impact of Malware”

1. From the first e-Activity, analyze the selected two (2) resources that are available for security professionals to find information about threats and / or malware active today. Justify your belief these resources are helpful for security professionals.

2. From the second e-Activity, explain whether or not you believe that the myth of Mac devices being more secure than Windows devices is becoming history, and justify your answer. Further, indicate one (1) main reason why you believe this myth still exists in the minds of end users and businesses.

“Security Standards”

3. A number of organizations exist to define information security standards. Explain the importance of standards organizations with regard to both information systems and information systems security. Provide a rationale for your response.

4. From the e-Activity, determine two (2) specific concerns that you believe exist for cloud deployments, and ascertain whether or not data breaches, such as the Snowden Incident have heightened concerns. Justify your answer.

“Visual Effects and Mobile Websites”

5. Imagine that you add Internet Explorer filters to a Website containing fixed images to enhance the images with a shadow. After adding the filters, it fails to work. Explain why this may have happened. Propose another solution that you can use to get the desired effect.

6. Mobile Websites, in most cases, should be simpler than standard sites. How could you design a mobile Website so you would not have to eliminate graphic elements?
“Applying Skills Learned”

7. From the e-Activity, explain what you learned about the Website you selected by looking at the source code. (i.e., the version of HTML that was used, comment tags, if the head elements were marked, and if so, the type of information they contained.) Thinking back to the first week when you performed this task, assess your knowledge and growth.

8. Based on what you have learned, provide recommendations for improvement to the source code.

“Validating Your Work

9. Describe attribute minimization. Explain what would happen if you tried to validate a page containing instances of attribute minimization. Propose a solution to this problem.

10. There are many reasons to validate your Web design. Select one of these reasons and discuss its importance.

“Understanding Validation”

11. From the e-Activity, identify a business of your choice (school, bank, law office, travel agency, pet store, retail store, etc.) and explain how the use of XML could prove to be beneficial.

12. This week covered validation and the use of validators. Describe at least two other techniques for validating your document that does not involve submitting it through an online validator.

“Cultural Change and Project Sponsorship” Please respond to the following:

13. Examine the primary reasons why project management causes a cultural change and the impact of that change on integrative information technology. Support your response with at least one (1) example of a cultural change that project management can cause.

14. The literature affirms that project sponsorship is a major component for the successful completion of projects. Select an organization where you would aspire to serve as a CIO. Explore the role of a project sponsor, and highlight the significant reasons why such a position is pivotal to your organizations success. Provide a rationale for your response.

“Project Management Best Practices and Recognizing Project Migraines”

15. As a newly minted CIO, you have been hired to join a company without a history of project best practices. Suggest strategy and process for your Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to develop standards for your organization that is without any such organizational project history. Justify the main reasons why your suggestion would be effective.

16. Reflect upon Kerzners Sources of Smaller Migraines from Chapter 2. Select three (3) issues from the list. Then, specify the reasons why these issues are more critical to control than the others. Justify your response.

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Reference No:- TGS01430876

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