
define information required for management of

Define Information Required for Management of Emergencies?

Management or intervention needs accurate information about the actual situation and includes many non-nutritional components, programmes, although food remains the most compelling basic necessity. The factors which need to be considered are:

1) Population size, geographical dispersal of the population, map of the affected areas, including location of camps etc.

2) Age groups

3) Current nutritional status

4) Nutritional deficiencies and endemic diseases

5) Purchasing power, coping mechanisms and market prices

6) Access to potable water

7) Fuel supply

8) Access to food, seeds, tools etc.

9) Seasonality and forecast system

10) Cultural beliefs and taboos

11) Threats to security, political and military situation

12) Underlying causes of the crisis

In major emergencies, most urgently needed action is to prevent death and illness caused by malnutrition. Basic energy and protein requirements are the primary concerns but micronutrient needs must also be met if blindness, disability and deaths are to be avoided.

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Biology: define information required for management of
Reference No:- TGS0307294

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