
define importance of bioelectrical impedance

Define Importance of Bioelectrical impedance analysis?

Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) is a rapid, non-invasive and relatively inexpensive method for evaluating body composition in field or clinical settings. BIA method is preferred for the following reasons:

a) The method does not require a high degree of technical skill,
b) The method is more comfortable,
c) The subjects are not required to be given many instructions, and
c) This method can be used to estimate body composition of obese individuals.

Many bio impedance analyzers are available in the market which is less expensive easy to use and portable equipinents. The Tania analyzer measures lower-body resistance between the right and left legs as the individual stands on the electrode plates. The Body Stat is another analyzer available which measures whole the body resistance. However, the validity and applicability of their prediction equations for diverse subgroups of the population needs to be looked into.

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Biology: define importance of bioelectrical impedance
Reference No:- TGS0307097

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