
Define human relations

Need a essay on the following

Human Relations in Organizations eighth edition by Robert N. Lussier ISBN978-0-07-338153-4

The final exam in SOCI 1000 MC 1L will be a written reflective statement.


Your essay topic will be a response to the following ideas:
Define human relations. What is the purpose and benefit of good human relations? How have you observed human relations in action over the semester? What have you learned in this course? How can you improve your human relations with others?

You may wish to review the Nine Guidelines of Human Relations. In your essay, reflect upon your class experiences. Compose an essay which defines human relations and discusses what you have learned over the semester. Explain how you have observed human relations in action, and provide examples of how you can develop better human relations with friends, colleagues, and family members. 
Here are the Nine Guidelines for Human Relations which are further discussed in your text on pages 16 & 17: 

1.Be Optimistic
2.Be Positive
3.Be Genuinely Interested in Other People
4.Smile and Develop a Sense of Humor
5.Call People by Name
6.Listen to People
7.Help Others
8.Think Before You Act
9.Create Win-Win Situations

The length of your essay/statement should be 1 - 2 pages, typewritten and double-spaced. Be sure to include an appropriate introduction and closing summary. Strong essays will include examples either from your personal experiences that support your ide 

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Term Paper: Define human relations
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