define human beings need energy for basal

Define human beings need energy For Basal metabolism?

This comprises a series of functions that are essential for life, such as cell function and replacement; the synthesis, secretion and metabolism of enzymes and hormones to transport proteins and other substances and molecules; the maintenance of body temperature; uninterrupted work of cardiac and respiratory muscles; and brain function. The amount of energy used for basal metabolism in a period of time is called the basal metabolic rate (BMR). BMR is measured under standard conditions that include being awake in the supine position after 10 to 12 hours of fasting and eight hours of physical rest, and being in a state of mental relaxation in an ambient environmental temperature that does not elicit heat-generating or heat-dissipating processes, Depending on age and lifestyle, BMR represents 45 to 70 percent of the total daily energy expenditure, and it is determined mainly by the individual's age, gender, as we as, body size and body composition.

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Biology: define human beings need energy for basal
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