
define hormonal responses to injury a number

Define Hormonal Responses to Injury?

 A number of hormonal changes take place in patients following injury. There is a marked rise in the counter regulatory hormones, viz., glucagon, glucocorticoids and catecholamine. Glucagon has glycogenolytic and gluconeogenic effects the liver, Cortical mobilizes amino acids from skeletal muscle, increases hepatic gluconegenesis and maintains body fat stores. The catecholamine also stimulates hepatic gluconegenesis and glycolysis and increase lactate production from skeletal muscles. They also increase metabolic rate and lipolysis. Growth hormone is elevated while thyroid levels are reduced.

Now that we are familiar with the physiological, metabolic and hormonal changes, specific to trauma, you will find yourself better equipped to understand dietary management of this stress response. Since the dietary considerations/requirements are quite similar to that in the post operative period in surgery. The dietary management of trauma/injury dealt here in this section is brief.

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Biology: define hormonal responses to injury a number
Reference No:- TGS0303981

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