
Define general statement of the law mentions family law act

Problem 1: Your law firm has been retained by a woman who has recently separated from a man with whom she cohabited for five years. She wants to know whether she is entitled to spousal support, and you have been asked to conduct some preliminary legal research on the subject.

a. What computerized source(s) should you consult to find a general statement of the law?

b. Assume that the general statement of the law mentions the Family Law Act. What computerized source(s) would you use to find the statute?

c. What computerized source(s) would you use to find cases that interpret the Family Law Act?

d. What computerized source(s) would you use to update the cases that interpret the Family Law Act?

Problem 2: Your law firm has been retained by a corporation that wishes to expand into providing school bus services. You have been asked to provide some preliminary information about licensing of drivers and vehicles to be used for the purpose.

a. What computerized source(s) should you consult to find a general statement of the law?

b. Assume that the general statement of the law mentions O Reg 340/94. What computerized source(s) would you use to find the regulation?

c. What computerized source(s) would you use to find and update cases that interpret an Ontario regulation?

d. The lawyer directing your work remembers that she recently read an article that was almost exactly on topic, and wants you to find it. What computerized source(s) should you consult to find the article?

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Business Law and Ethics: Define general statement of the law mentions family law act
Reference No:- TGS03332255

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