
Define gender as well as sex before answering this question

Define GENDER as well as SEX before answering this question. Although, these terms have been used historically as interchangeable they are not the same.

Sex is biological and refers to the biological and physiological characteristics that define men and women.

Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women. Today, we have individuals identified as transgender, lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, and questioning as well as male and female.

And, in November, 2017 Germany's top court ruled that lawmakers must legally recognize a "third gender" from birth: INTERSEX. This ruling offers intersex people the option of identifying as a designation other than male or female to individuals born without clear biological characteristics of either male or female.

Finally, there are a number of recent current events in the US dealing with gender and sex demonstrating not only how far we have come but how far we have to go.

The first question in this discussion is opinion and experience-based, so you can begin immediately. For subsequent questions please meaningfully integrate your readings including the text, articles, and module notes in all.

In your opinion:

We often hear about how the US is becoming increasingly "color blind" in terms of providing equal opportunity for everyone regardless of their race.

In your opinion, do you think we are also moving toward becoming more "gender blind?" Give examples from the media that support your opinion.

After you have reviewed the readings and viewed the videos for his module, please respond to the following questions:

The textbook uses the term "socially constructed" when discussing the subject of gender.

2. What is an example in the media or in your own experience of gender identity that is consistent with the social construction of gender? ...and not consistent?

3. What would a "gender blind" society look like to you? What aspects of daily life in the US might be affected? In what way?

4. Do you agree or disagree with Eleanor Tabi Haller-Jordan's proposition that "discernment" will help achieve gender blindness?

5. Judith Butler calls gender ‘performative'. She says, "no one is a gender from the start." Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

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