
Define ethical responsibilities of the seeking job promotion


Subject: Getting a Job, Getting a Promotion, Leaving

A. Define ways job seekers may misrepresent themselves on a résumé.

a. Construct an ethical framework for managing the dilemmas of crafting a résumé.
b. What's the difference between legal and ethical approaches to the question about padding the résumé?
c. Why might a job seeker have a duty to blur parts of his or her work history?

B. Consider the justification of wage demands.

a. From the employee's perspective, in what line of work might value to the organization function not very well as a gauge for setting salary levels?

b. Does an employer have an ethical responsibility to offer an intern a job at full pay once the internship is successfully completed? Why or why not?

C. Define ethical responsibilities of those seeking a job promotion.

a. Distinguish two job promotion tracks.

D. Define and consider ethical issues surrounding the decision to quit

a. If a company pays for your job training, is there a way to calculate how long you need to work there to satisfy the obligation to use the training for the company's benefit?

b. If you feel as though you've been mistreated at work, can an ethical justification be formed for walking away at a moment of maximum pain for the company? Explain.

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Business Management: Define ethical responsibilities of the seeking job promotion
Reference No:- TGS03320993

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