
Define ethical environment that is applicable to the

Define ethical environment that is applicable to the business world

Identify means to avoid alter ego liability

1. Using findlaw, research a case that involves alter-ego liability. In 250 words, define the term "alter-ego" and list the elements the court considered when determining whether to pierce the corporate shield. Incorporate the material from the required readings and support your statements.

2. In addition, discuss whether it is ethical for a company to move its corporate headquarters overseas to avoid paying income tax. Which duty do you believe is higher, the duty of corporations to pay tax to government or the duty of corporations to pay dividends to shareholders? Why?

Instructions: Incorporate the material from the required readings along with scholarly outside research. All sources used must be cited. Please review the grading rubric that is posted in the lessons.

Your initial reply to the forum question should be posted in the Forum section of the class no later than Wednesday. Your discussions with your classmates should be posted in the Forum throughout the week. You should engage in discussions with a minimum of two classmates. Replies to classmates must be substantive and add to the discussions.

Case - Personal Liability of Corporate Shareholders in New York by Steven Maffei

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Dissertation: Define ethical environment that is applicable to the
Reference No:- TGS02613236

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