Define epiphany, classical mythology, exogamous marriage


Select one (1) out of the eight (8) available terms to define and explain. There will be a total of four definition questions, so by the end of the exam you will have chosen four (4) definitions. In two to three sentences, provide the definition of the term (as established in class), a specific example, and explain its importance to the course content. For names, provide an explanation of who they are / what they did in place of a definition. You should spend no more than 20 minutes on the definitions section.

  • aitiology
  • epiphany
  • hubris
  • Classical mythology
  • critical distance
  • Millman Parry & Albert Lord
  • aesthetics of reception
  • exogamous marriage



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History: Define epiphany, classical mythology, exogamous marriage
Reference No:- TGS03370997

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