Define environmental justice

Question 1: Define environmental justice. What kind of issues does environmental justice encompass? Which specific issue does this article focus on?

Question 2: Explain gentrification. Why does gentrification happen? Explain how solving an environmental justice issue can lead to gentrification?

Question 3: After reading the article you now have a perspective of how, in some situations, creating greenspace in disadvantaged neighborhoods has the potential to displace people. Explain in a response that explains if you think city planners are responsible to prevent this and if so, what approaches they should take to prevent environmental gentrification. There may also be a case to be made that populations in cities/towns naturally evolve through time regardless of the addition of greenspace or not. You may also use your response to this prompt to explain any other opinions and ideas you have on this topic. Be sure that your response is respectful and that you provide reasonable evidence to support your ideas.

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