
Define enterprise resource planning systems how has the

Part 1: Answer the module review questions listed below. These questions were chosen to demonstrate your understanding and help you assess your progress.

What is ERP system architecture? And what is necessary for the ERP implementation to be successful?

List five of the major functional modules of ERP and explain why it is important to have good enterprise system architecture?

Discuss the different types of ERP architectures and list some of their benefits and limitations.

What is Service Oriented Architecture and how is it different from Web Services Architecture?

Part 2: Locate a company that you know or search the internet or any other resources pertaining to any organization and find out the following:

What ERP or enterprise architecture do they have in their company

How has the architecture helped them in the ERP implementation?

Does their ERP implementation support Web integration and SOA?

"ERP architecture"
"ERP modules"
"Enterprise Resource Planning Systems"

List five journals that you found related to the key words and choose one of them to summarize. Write a 2 page report (APA) summarizing the paper and how it relates to what you learned in this module. At the end of your summary report, write a section on your own reflection on the paper; whether you agree or disagree with the findings and how you came to your own conclusion.

3. Discussion: Union Opposition

In no more than 100 words, address why you think there has been (and still is) such strong opposition to the trade union movement by American business management and how this opposition affects the aviation industry.

4. Use the Internet to answer the following items. Be sure to cite your sources.

A major part of the study of labor law and collective bargaining is the unique vocabulary that has developed over the period of time; accordingly, define the following terms and concepts:

a) Closed Shop

b) National Unions

c) American Federation of Labor (AFL)

d) Strikebreakers

e) Arbitrators

f) Good-faith Bargaining

g) Picketing

h) Boycotts

i) Sympathy Strike

j) Secondary Boycotts

k) Yellow-dog Contracts

Part 1: Answer the module review questions listed below. These questions were chosen to demonstrate your understanding and help you assess your progress.

Briefly discuss the key phases of the SDLC methodology.

Discuss the alternative approaches of SDLC and the benefits of alternatives.

Compare and contrast the three major ERP implementation categories.

What is ERP implementation methodology? Give examples.

What is the role of change management in the ERP life cycle?

Part 2: Create two charts or diagrams that illustrate the major differences between ERP life cycle and SDLC.

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Other Subject: Define enterprise resource planning systems how has the
Reference No:- TGS02405448

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