
Define elements of utilitarian theory of ethical obligation


A manager in informs you that next Monday he will terminate three of his lower managers due to a budget decrease. As usual, you assure your manager that confidentiality in this matter is guaranteed. Whilst glancing over the list of managers, you are shocked to see your friends name on it. To make matters worse, your friend will be notified about his termination on the same day that your friend is planning to purchase the new, expensive house. This is three days after Lee will have sold his family's current house.

You wonder whether you should tell your friend about the impending termination. If you tell your friend immediately, then your friend can back-out of selling his current home and purchasing the new one. However, your friend, who believes his analyst position is very secure, has a nasty temper. If forewarned, your friend is likely to confront key HR Department decision-makers about his termination, which could cost you your job because your professional duty to keep this type of information confidential.

Define the elements of the Utilitarian theory of ethical obligation. In your definition, be sure to outline the steps required when attempting to undertake a Utilitarian analysis

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HR Management: Define elements of utilitarian theory of ethical obligation
Reference No:- TGS03339612

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