
Define electronegativity and electron affinity how does it

Question: 1. Define electronegativity and electron affinity. How does it vary in a group and period of periodic table.

2. Write short notes on-

(i) De-Broglie equation (iii) Heisenberg's uncertainity principle

(ii) Pauli's exclusion principle (iv) Hund's rule of maximum multiplicity

3. What do you understand by hybridization? What are the important characteristics of hybridization? Discuss sp, sp2 and sp3 hybridization with suitable examples.

4. What are interhalogen compounds? Mention their preparation and properties.

5. (a) Define half-life period and average half life period of radioactive elements. Deduce the formula of their determination. How are they related to each other?

(b) What are lanthanides? Discuss the main characteristics of lanthanides.

6. What are transition elements? Describe the general properties of transition elements of first
transition series.

7. What are important postulates of Werner's theory of co-ordination compounds? Discuss the structure of platinum ammines on the basis of Werner's coordination theory.

8. (a) Describe mond's process for extracting nickel? Describe the properties and uses of nickel?

(b) Describe the preparation and properties of potassium hexacyanoferrate(II) trihydrate.

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Chemistry: Define electronegativity and electron affinity how does it
Reference No:- TGS02347252

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