Eco-Tourism on the physical, biological and social environment
Purpose: To research the impact of Eco-Tourism on the physical, biological and social environment and to define Eco-Tourism in preparation for our term abroad experience to Costa Rica.
Copy and paste the two separate YOUTUBE LINKS below into your browser to view a brief 3 minute and 7 minute clip on Eco Tourism in Costa Rica.
Costa Rica Ecotourism
Costa Rica Eco tourism - Rain Forest, Wildlife, Volcano's
After viewing both brief videos students are asked to submit a 2 page word processed paper answering the two questions below . Be sure to site any and all sources in addition to the video clips.
1. Define Eco-Tourism as discussed in the clip and through your research.
2. Research and discuss the impact of eco-tourism on the physical, biological and social environment in Costa Rica as discussed in both clips and per your additional research as needed.