Define each stage of group formation and relevant research

Describe the differences between groups and teams.

- Group- two or more freely interacting people with showed norms and goals and common identity.

- Team-

Define each stage of group formation and relevant research findings; what do members ask at each stage?What should a leader do at each stage?

  • Describe role challenges and their managerial implications.

-          Role challenges:

o   Role conflicts: others have conflicting or inconsistent expectation

o   Role ambiguity: not knowing what is expected of the role holder

o   Role overload: others expectations exceeds one's ability

-          Managerial implication: one's ability to be alert and detect signs of overload (mistakes, absence, from work, missing deadlines)

-          Intervene- Talk to employees, help prioritize task, eliminate unassay tasks, Carefully scheduling activities.

  • Define norms and ways they are developed; How do norms support or hinder group success?

-          Norms: shared attitudes, opinions, feeling or actions that guide social behavior

o   How are norms developed?

-  Explicit statement from supervisors/coworkers

-  Critical events- in group history. Ex. On time class dismissal

-  Primary- initial actions/ behavior persist

-  Carryover behaviors- from past situations

-          Norms help group survive, clarify expectation, avoid embarrassment clarify values/uniqueness.

  • Explain the different types of task vs. maintenance roles (e.g., harmonizer, energizer, etc.)

-          Task roles- enables groups to define, clarify, pursue purpose

-          Maintenance roles- foster supportive and constructive interpersonal relationships.

o   Task roles- keep group on track/ maintenance-keep group together

-   Focus on Accomplishinggoals








Gate keeper

 Explain the two threats to group effectiveness and what can be done to combat each (groupthink, socialloafing); How can threats to group effectiveness impact group decision making?

-          Group thinker- Janis term for a cohesive in- group's unwillingness to realistically view alternatives.

o   Assign group members roles- voicing objective and doubts.

o   Explore policy questions

o   Introduce fresh perspective

o   One should be given role devil's advocate

o   Everyone is  encourage to rethink their positions to check flaws

-  Social loafing - Decrease in individual effort as group size increases.

o   Cohesiveness- well unified

-  Group think- when you feel a high pressure to conform and agree and are unwilling to realistically view alternatives

-  Does social loafing promote group think? Or vice versa

o   Social Loafing-↓in individual effort as group size↑

-  Improve task meaningfulness

-  Individual Accountability

-  Reward contributions

-  Social loafing can negatively impact decision making. As all group members don't participate or give input.

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Management Theories: Define each stage of group formation and relevant research
Reference No:- TGS01044625

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