Define doctrine and identify why a president would want to

Current Events and U.S. Diplomacy

This paper will be a revised and expanded version of the first research paper. Based on your instructor's feedback, you will first revise the first paper.

the first research paper is about Nixon, so please select Vietnam for this paper. I have attached the first paper, please review it

Write three-to-four (3-4) new pages that address the following:

Define presidential doctrine and summarize the regional or global events during the Cold War leading up to the formation of the presidential doctrine you wrote about in Assignment 1. (please choose Nixon)

Select one country you wrote about in Assignment 1 and describe the Cold War relationship that existed between the country you selected and the U.S. before the presidential doctrine was announced. (please choose Vietnam)

Describe the relationship that currently exists between the U.S. and the country you selected in section (2) above.

Describe the effect that the presidential doctrine has had on regional or global affairs since it was announced during the Cold War.

Assess whether or not the presidential doctrine you wrote about in Assignment 1 doctrine had had the intended effect of altering the behavior of the country you selected in section (2) above since the doctrine was first announced.

Use at least four (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources

To help you understand this assignment further, the following description and examples may be useful.

Step 1: Define doctrine and identify why a president would want to announce one.

A doctrine is an ideological platform that a president uses to advance a policy towards a country or region in order to accomplish foreign policy goals for the United States, so you will need to expand on this theme.

Step 2: Select one country you wrote about in Assignment 1 and describe the Cold War relationship that existed between it and the U.S.

Step 3: Describe what effect the presidential doctrine you chose has had on regional or global affairs since it was announced during the Cold War.

That is, how did the doctrine change the status quo regionally or globally after it was announced by the U.S.? What happened in Southeast Asia or the Persian Gulf after the Nixon Doctrine went in effect?

Step 4: Refer back to the country you selected in step two and describe the relationship that currently exists between the U.S. and that country.

How has the relationship changed between the U.S. and that country since the doctrine was announced?

Step 5: Evaluate whether or not the presidential doctrine had had the intended effect of altering the behavior of the one country you selected in section (2) above since the doctrine was first announced.

Your assignment must:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date.

The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Identify the cultural, economic, and political context of information resources, and interpret information in light of that context.

Use technology and information resources to research issues in international problems.

Write clearly and concisely about international problems using proper writing mechanics.

Attachment:- pol300_assignment_1.rar

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History: Define doctrine and identify why a president would want to
Reference No:- TGS02218231

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