
Define cultural relativism and explain how james rachels

Philosophy Discussion Questions

1. Define Cultural Relativism and explain how James Rachels argues against it.

2. Explain Social Contract theory in relation to the Prisoner's Dilemma.

3. Discuss Ethical Egoism, and arguments for and against it as an ethical position.

4. Discuss Utilitarianism, an objection to the theory, and how a Utilitarian might respond to such an objection.

5. Explain Immanuel Kant's Categorical Imperative and how to use it to determine the morality of an action.

6. Discuss Immanuel Kant's claim that human beings have intrinsic worth, and the moral implications he draws from this.

7. Explain Virtue Ethics and discuss the difficulties it faces when it comes to determining right action.

8. Discuss the Ethics of Care as an alternative to traditional moral thinking.

9. Critically assess Ian Maitland's argument in favor of sweatshops.

10. Explain John Rawls' theory of justice with reference to the notion of the "veil of ignorance."

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Dissertation: Define cultural relativism and explain how james rachels
Reference No:- TGS02437799

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