
Define cost of goods sold plus total operating expenses


Refer to financial statements of Apple (Apple.com) and Google(Google.com) to haw eke following.


1. Identify at least two activities at Apple and at Google that cause costs to be incurred. Do you believe these companies should be concerned about controlling costs of the activities you Identified? Explain.

2. Would you classify Apple and Google as service, merchandising. or manufacturing companies? Explain.

3. Is activity-basad costing useful for companies such as Apple and Gongle? Explain.

Apply and Google are competitors in the sales of electronic devices. Compare these companies' income statements and answer the following.


1. Which company has a higher ratio of costs, defined as cost of goods sold plus total operating expenses, to revenues? Use the two most recent years' income statements from Appendu A. Show your analysis.

2. How might the use of activity-based costing help the less competitive company become wont competitive?

3. Assume Apple is considering opening a new retail store. What are the activities associated with opning a new retail store?

You must reference your textbook when crafting your response. Document your citations throughout the text of your report; APA is the accepted format for all Westcliff University classes.

Your papers must include an introduction and a clear thesis, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Top papers demonstrate a solid understanding of the material AND critical thinking.

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Financial Management: Define cost of goods sold plus total operating expenses
Reference No:- TGS02991576

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