
define consistency and texture -

Define Consistency and Texture - Dysphilgia?

Aspiration of liquids, including water, into the lungs can result in complications. To avoid this problem and yet fulfilling the fluid needs, liquids could be thickened with starch or milk powder. Intake of caffeine beverages is best limited as these have a diuretic effect and may lead to mild dehydration and fatigue.  Foods that form a cohesive bolus within the mouth must be selected. Those that break apart such as plain rice, chopped meat should not be given. Sticky foods that adhere to the mouth should be avoided as they because oral manipulation problems and fatigue. Dual texture must not be given such as canned fruit with juice, soup with noodles, and dry cereal with milk. One could moisten food with gravy to facilitate H bolus.

A variety of food items should be served in an appetizing manner with as many characteristics to a normal food. Patients should be gradual progressive transitions in the texture and consistency of food viz., pureed to ground to soft textured foods and eventually to all textured foods. Hence, paying attention to improved and appropriate taste, texture and temperature of food facilitates swallowing. Cool temperature, sauces and gravies which lubricate food and prevent its fragmentation in the oral cavity, makes swallowing easier. Moist and soft foods are usually better tolerated.

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Biology: define consistency and texture -
Reference No:- TGS0309857

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