
Define compare and contrast monotheism and monism include

Essay Exam

The three primary purposes of this assignment are

(1) to assess your ability to communicate effectively in formal essay writing,

(2) to gauge your knowledge of the material covered in the textbook, lectures, and class discussions, and

(3) to invite you to demonstrate critical and creative thought in weighing in on the subject matter.

Use Modern Language Association (MLA) citation style for all writing assignments in this course. For assistance with MLA style, you may consult the library or the web. Here is a good online reference guide. Plagiarism is a form of academic misconduct and will not be tolerated.

On your paper include your name, Panther ID number, course number, and the name of the professor. It must be double spaced, have 1 inch margins (top, bottom, left, and right) and be typed in 12-point font, Times New Roman or Calibri. Include one Works Cited at the end.

Answer 2 of the 3 questions below. The total word count for this midterm exam must be at least 1,000. You may divide the 1,000 words between the two essays in whatever way works best for you to answer the questions thoughtfully.

For each essay, cite your textbook plus at least one other academic source.

1. Define, compare, and contrast monotheism and monism. Include examples of each to support your analysis.

2. Conduct a close reading of a religious text of your choosing. Explain the historical background of the text, analyze its use of language, and explore its connections with religious experience, myth, ritual, doctrine, ethics, and society.

3. Identify one religion's concept of selfhood. Explain the psychological, sociological, and cosmological dimensions of that concept. This is the instructions for the paper,

They are 2 essay each one you need to write 500 word,

From the first picture you can see that there are 3 questions in bottom, pick question 1 and 3 and answer each question with 500 word,

Each answer for the 2 questions should have at least 1 academic source,

And also each answer should include another source from the text book and I'll include you now the name of the textbook: Religion; "A Study in Beauty, Truth, and Goodness" , write by: Kent Richter, Chapter 1-6.

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Other Subject: Define compare and contrast monotheism and monism include
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