
Define community policing cp what was the purpose behind

Task: Explicitly discuss each of the following topics in your essay

1. Define community policing (CP). What was the purpose behind implementing CP, and how is it intended to be implemented in police agencies.

2. Define problem-oriented policing (POP). What does it focus upon, and are police supposed to do (both organizationally and individually) to address problems?

3. Compare and contrast the SIMILARIATIES and DIFFERENCES between CP and POP. As an example (you may focus on different issues as well), how do CP and POP address issues surrounding organizational structure? Accountability to citizens? The use of data? Effects on crime and/or fear?

4. Taking into account the strengths and limitations of POP and CP, which do you believe holds more promise in terms of national implementation? Why? (The key here is to document a few of the strengths and limitations of each approach).

Note: The introduction of your paper should outline what you will discuss in the paper; And, the conclusion should wrap-up your main points.

Braga, A.A. & D.L. Weisburd. (2010). Policing Problem Places: Crime Hot Spots and Effective Prevention. Oxford, NY: Oxford Publishers.

Weisburd, D.L. & Braga, A.A. (2006). Police Innovation: Contrasting Perspectives. New York: Cambridge University Press.

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Dissertation: Define community policing cp what was the purpose behind
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