
Define codes and regulations for nursing-healthcare research

Assignment task:

Reply to this post describing two historical events that have influenced the development of ethical codes and regulations for nursing and healthcare research. Explain how each event has impacted ethical codes and regulations.

Evidence based practice entails implementing recommendations that come from literature research. It is based on studies that are supposed to improve outcomes. Ethical consideration for evidence based practice is that the outcomes which result from evidence based implementation need to be evaluated if the results from the body of evidence were seen in the clinical application. Evaluating the implementation of evidence shows a commitment to the evidence based process, to ethical practice, and to better outcomes. Ethics is verifying the issues of wright, and wrong, the good, and bad in any area of individual interaction (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2022).

The World Medical Association (WMA) formulated the Declaration of Helsinki  for ethical principles for medical research entailing human studies. The statement is addressed mainly to doctors, the WMA states other healthcare professionals who are involved in medical studies involving humans to adopt to their rules. It is the duty of the doctor to provide safety, health, wellness, and rights of patients. Also entailing individuals that are in medical research. The progression of medicine is based on studies entailing human subjects. The reason behind research in human subjects is to understand the causes, prevention of disease, and diagnostic interventions. Medical research protects the health, and rights of individuals. Doctors, and other healthcare professionals need to consider ethical, legal, and regulatory standards for research. Research needs be done in a way that is not harmful to humans and the environment. In medical practice many interventions entail risks. Every medical research that entails human studies must carefully assessed for risks, and burdens to everyone involved in the study. All vulnerable groups need to receive protection, medical research among the vulnerable needs to be justified if the health needs of the vulnerable, and the research cannot be done on non vulnerable groups. The research protocol must be given to the Research Ethics Committees for guidance, and approval. Privacy, and confidentiality needs to be offered to the research subject, and confidentiality to personal data. Participants who able to give informed consent in medical research must be voluntary. Individuals who are not able to give informed consent cannot be part of a medical study. The main points of the Declaration of Helsinki is to have a balance among interest in humanity, and individuals who are part of the medical research. It protects the well being of the individuals who are involved in medical research (The World Medical Association, 2013).

The history of the Belmont Report, the Institutional Review Board (IRB) is a system that verifies the balances for research in humans. It is guided by three principles respect for individuals, beneficence, and justice. The Nuremberg Code entails ten points for doing ethical research voluntary consent, qualification of the researchers, risks, and benefits, the right of the participate to stop when they want, and other important code of research which includes the Declaration of Helsinki. The second factor that led to the development of the Belmont Report was the Public Health Services Tuskegee Study. The study involved black men with syphilis who consented for treatment in the exchange for meals, medical examination, and burial insurance. The full extent of the research was not provided to the participants. Even with all the current research, ethics literature that is available to present researchers still represents a challenge (Teachers College, Columbia University, 2020).

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