
define carbohydrates requirements in human

Define Carbohydrates Requirements in Human Body?

Carbohydrates: High carbohydrate diets are beneficial at HA. The advantage of high carbohydrate diet is that respiratory quotient (RQ) of carbohydrate diet is around 1.0; on the other hand, if fat is exclusively taken, and then RQ is 0.7. In high terrestrial altitudes, alveolar PO2 falls with a fall in barometric pressure and when there is a shift of RQ from 0.7 to 1 .O, there is an increase in PO2 and this gives rise to the increase in arterial oxygen saturation. Carbohydrates provide a higher yield of energy per mole of oxygen. The energy equivalent of oxygen is 4.48 Kcal/L for protein, 4.7 Kcal/L for fat and 5.06 Kcal/L for carbohydrate.  Diets high in carbohydrates are shown to enhance the glucose metabolism at high altitude. Studies on dietary habits of Indian sea level residents and natives of high altitude show that up to 60% energy is derived from carbohydrates.

 Negative nitrogen balance is reported at high altitude and this is mainly due to decreased food intake. Extensive studies on nitrogen metabolism at both acute - and after long-term stay at high altitudes on Indian soldiers indicate positive nitrogen balance at 12 g/day dietary nitrogen intake.


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Biology: define carbohydrates requirements in human
Reference No:- TGS0307335

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