
define carbohydrates needs in postoperative

Define Carbohydrates needs in Postoperative Nutritional Care?

Carbohydrates ensure the use of protein for tissue synthesis and energy required for increased metabolic demands. With a high protein intake in extensive surgery or burns, the energy requirement may be as high as 4000 to 6000 Kilocalorie a day to spare proteins for tissue regain and prevent them from being diverted to provide energy. Carbohydrates also provide glycogen reserves to avoid liver damage. Since a high carbohydrate infusion can elicit impaired glucose tolerance, infusion of insulin through intravenous route is carried out.

If oral intake can be resumed, emphasis should be laid on the inclusion of foods rich in simple carbohydrates which are easy to digest and can be used to prepare calorie dense dishes which have a small volume and hence facilitate an enhanced food intake. Glucose is the preferred form of energy in case of enteral or parenteral tube feeding.

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Biology: define carbohydrates needs in postoperative
Reference No:- TGS0303837

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