You have 4 sub questions in this one, so please break your response into 4 different sections/paragraphs and label each section according to the question you are answering. Please review the hints atthe bottom, and take a look at the video I have included.
Regarding the United States, and its economic system:
1. Why are most U.S. Businesses in business (generally, what is their ultimate goal of being in business)?
*Is this good or bad (based on your opinion and/or research (**and why)?
2. Define Capitalism as it relates to the U. S. as an economic system.
3.What are pros and cons of a Capitalistic economic system such as the U. S. (Explain in your own words, but based on your research)
4. Give a real example of one of the pros and one of the cons
Here is a video debating Capitalism and Socialism. It is funny, and very relevant!!!!! You know which side of this I am on!!! CAPITALISM! (BUT you are allowed and encouraged to always form your own opinions)
Remember, we reap what we sew in life. The fact that you are all going to school means you are all trying to make your lives better and self sufficient! That means you are not crying to the government to take care of you like in Socialism, and Communism, but you are making sacrifices now to take care of yourselves and your families in the future. That is Capitalism!!!! Earn what you want in life, starting with your educations!
The main DB post will not be accepted if it does not include at least two scholarly reference sources, and both of these sources must be:
Listed at the bottom of the post in APA reference format.
Evidenced throughout your response through the use of APA formatted in-text citations.