
define body weight as a determinant of nutrient

Define Body weight as a determinant of nutrient requirements?

Requirements are considered to be a function of body weight for individuals who are not overweight. However, for some nutrients, requirements are not proportional to body weight. The general procedure for those who deviate from the normal weight is to adjust the requirements to their actual body weights. For overweight and obese individuals lean body weight may be used, instead of the total body weight.

Related to the concept of requirements being a function of body weight is the concept of defining a reference man and a woman. Reference man and reference woman: The reference man and woman are defined as points of reference only. For Indians, a reference man is defined as 'a man between 20-39 years of age, with a body weight of 60 kg, free from disease and physically fit for active work. On each working day, he is engaged for 8 hours in an occupation that involves moderate activities. While not at work, he spends 4-6 hours sitting and moving about, 2 hours in active recreation and 8 hours in sleep'. A reference woman is defined as a healthy woman of 20- 39 years, with a body weight of 50 kg, engaged for 8 hours in an occupation involving moderate activities, and while not at work spends 4-6 hours sitting and moving about, 2 hours in active recreation and 8 hours in sleep. Nutrient requirements are defined for the reference man and woman, and for those who deviate from the reference man and woman, adjustments are made for the different body weights.

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Biology: define body weight as a determinant of nutrient
Reference No:- TGS0308366

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