Use Python
Create a class called Employee and a subclass called Developer that inherits characteristics from Employee.
In Employee class
I. Define attribute location = "Minneapolis , MN".
II. Define __init__ that initializes name, email and role.
III. Define get_info function that retrieves name, email and role using .format
IV. Define change_locale using any method we have learned that changes location
In Developer sub class,
• Define __init__ that initializes name, email, role and language
• Use super().__init__ to initialize name, email and role and initialize language
• Define get_info function that retrieves name, email and role using .format
I. Now, instantiate object call employee_1 for Spongebob and employee_2 for Patrick that passing following arguments to Developer.
"Spongebob", "[email protected]", "Main Character", "English"
"Patrick", "[email protected]", "Side Character", "Spanish"
II. Print employee_1 location
III. Change the location to Los Angeles, CA using @classMethod
IV. Print employee_1 location
V. Print employee_1 email
VI. Print employee_1 name
VII. Print employee_2 language.