
define application of nutrition knowledge in geld

Define Application of Nutrition Knowledge in Geld of Sports?

By the time you are ready to do this unit, you have been exposed to a good deal of the basic knowledge of nutrition. We know that nutritional requirements vary according to age, sex and physical activity but would you like to know how much extra is needed for an athletic performance? Can the type of food we eat alter our endurance, strength and speed of performance? Do our carbohydrate, protein, fluid, vitamin and mineral requirements differ according to the kind of sport we want to engage in? When is the best Lime to eat and drink before the competition? What kind of foods to be consumed? Have you heard of ergogenic aids? Are you interested in learning about ergogenic aids and supplements?

In this unit, you shall learn about the application of nutrition knowledge in the Geld of sports and exercise. Also, we shall learn about body composition and the various ways of assessing it. In this unit, we shall learn what kind of diet a sports person or an athlete should consume. Different types of sports differ in intensity and training; therefore, dietary requirements also differ from sport to sport. Further, we shall also learn about the general principles which should be followed as pre-game meal plan and post-game meal plan. Monitoring body composition is equally important for athletes and non-athletes. In this unit, we shall also learn about what we mean by body composition and what are the various ways to assess body composition?

‘Physical fitness' is the term we hear or use so many times. Here we shall lean about the scientific meaning of being physically fit and the components which need to be measured to declare a person physically fit or unfit. Further, to enhance physical performance certain dietary or synthetic substances are ingested which are called ergogenic aids. We would learn about these substances, their ergogenic potential and psychological and physiological effects.

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Biology: define application of nutrition knowledge in geld
Reference No:- TGS0307064

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