
Define anthropogenic climate change


At least four pages (not including the title page or bibliography page) is required

Students may use either style of paper they prefer, but must choose a topic from the list below.

1. Discuss the impacts of Illegal immigration upon the United States and evaluate the contrasting reform proposals offered by liberals and conservatives. Must a country have enforceable borders or does this no longer matter?

2. Define anthropogenic climate change. Are the cost/benefits of government action to reduce CO2 worthwhile or could our efforts be better directed towards reducing disease and poverty in the world? What are the contrasting responses to climate change by the alarmists and those who disagree?

3. Political bias in the "mainstream" media--how extensive is it and what is "fake news?" Has President Trump been the recipient of almost non-stop criticism from most of the media for his entire term in office? Why is this?

4. Evaluate the Trump Administration's response to the COVID 19 pandemic from positive to negative. Why have the State responses to this virus been mostly different between Democratic Party Governors and Republican Party Governors? Has the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States been used as a "political weapon" this year?

5. Discuss the current racial unrest and discord across the United States. Is defunding or reducing police expenditures an appropriate response by city leaders? Should BLM and Antifa be held at least partially responsible for the violence that has occurred in our major cities? What about the responsibility of political leaders who support these type of groups by their silence in condemning same?

6. Discuss the upcoming Presidential election and explain the major policy ideas in each party's political platform? What are the major differences between the Democrats and the Republicans? Who do you think is most likely to win this fall?

7. What are the problems with critical race theory and the assumption that all, if not most, white people are inherently racist while other races are not?

8. What is your definition of "social justice" and how do we measure our progress as a country in achieving same? Is "equality under the law" the most important precept of American democracy? Why or why not?

9. Is economic equality more important than political equality? Is Bernie Sander's socialism the answer to the problems of capitalism or is socialism the road to tyranny?

10. What are the results of applied socialism in the history of China and Russia for individual liberty and freedom? What does the current situation in Hong Kong tell us about the Chinese Communist Party?

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History: Define anthropogenic climate change
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