
Define and understand the importance of a job search


Define and understand the importance of a job search portfolio

Collect, review, analyze and decide/select the content materials to be included in the job search portfolio

Create a digital job search portfolio to be published on the web


1. Choose the courses you will showcase in your Job e-Portoflio. Complete Week 3 - Job E-Portfolio Checklist (download file) and submit in Week 3 - Job E-Portfolio Checklist DropBox.

2. Review your USB, floppy disk, hard drives or any of your storage devices used since you started at College. Go over the best projects you have in various IT classes. Make a preliminary review and selection of the content of your storage devices. Select two (2) best projects. You will write a reflection on these two best projects and submit the reflection in Week 3 - Job Portfolio Discussion Forum. To learn how to write a reflection, please go over the sample in the discussion forum.


Explanation of Concepts or Lecture:

• A prospective employer may interview a dozen applicants sometimes hundreds of them locally, nationally or internationally. Some applicants say, "Well, I guess I will not get the job" or others may say, "Never mind. I will just apply to any other type of job". But is this how IT applicants view employment? Take the first step to get the "Job of Your Dreams"!!!

• How can you compete with all the other applicants? How can you make yourself distinct from all other applicants? Is it the job interview? What if, several applicants had the same job interview rating? Who will the interviewer select?

• Learn a technique or strategy that will differentiate you from the rest of the applicants. The Job e-Portfolio differentiates you from all other applicants. Therefore, a well-prepared portfolio provides you a competitive edge over the rest of the applicants.

• As you read through Week 3 - Job Portfolio Lecture Slides, you will know that a Job Portfolio is an Art of Self-Promotion. In other words, a job portfolio showcases your accomplishments in the classroom, in the internship place, academic recognitions or outreach programs/volunteer work. A job portfolio does not require you to create new materials. Instead you collect, review, analyze and select the best work/projects that you would like to showcase and put together in a Web Site. What is important is you write a reflection for each of the work you selected.

• Read and learn how to create a Job Portfolio. Download and read, Week 3 - Job Portfolio Lecture Slides. Play the show for the explanation and details on the concepts on how to create a Job e-Portfolio.

• What materials do you showcase in a Job e-Portfolio? Choose at least two best projects in 5 to 7 courses you have taken at the college. Please see Week 3 - Job E-Portfolio Checklist of Courses.

• Where do you publish your Job e-Portfolio? Learn to use Google Sites to publish your Job E-Portfolio on the Internet. If you have access to Digication, you may also use Digication. You will learn more about Google Sites and Digication in Week 4.

• How long does it take to create a job search portfolio?
It takes a few weeks to complete an outstanding portfolio that you will bring and showcase during an interview. You will create one for your "Mock Interview" which you can later use for the "real-world" interview.

Job E-Portfolio Checklist of Courses

Select 5 to 7 courses you have taken at College that you would like to showcase or display in your Job e-Portfolio. Out of each course you selected, you must submit at least 2 best projects or activities that you would like your interviewer to see that you have the knowledge and skills to for the IT job you are interested in.

The course numbers are prefixed with IT. If you took the course before Fall 2011, the course code may either be CP, CT or BT. I indicated the old and new course numbers for your easy reference.

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Management Information Sys: Define and understand the importance of a job search
Reference No:- TGS02298133

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