Assignment: Interteach
1. Define and provide an original example of microexpressions.
2. What is a self-report, how does it collect data and what issues are there with using self-report?
3. Provide original examples for the different methods of coping with stress. Which method do you use most often? Can stress be helpful, and how?
4. Give a couple of different situations where seeing a health psychologist would be beneficial.
5. Describe and summarize the following experiments (participants, methods, and results), and come up with your own original example that supports the experimenter's finding(s) pulled from your everyday observations.
1. Soloman Asch's conformity experiment
2. Phillip Zimbardo's Standard Prison Experiment
3. Stanley Milgram's obedience experiment
6. Complete this exercise for in-class: A group of 15 individuals are traveling in a space ship on their way to colonize a distant planet that is presently void of any intelligent life, but which has an environment that could easily support humans. There is a sudden malfunction in the oxygen-replenishing equipment on the ship that cannot be repaired. It can now only supply oxygen for a maximum of 8 people. If the 15 continue to breathe the air, they will exhaust the oxygen and all will die before reaching the planet. Therefore, 7 people must be eliminated so that the remaining 8 can survive to colonize the planet. Your job is to decide which 7 are to be eliminated. The descriptions of the 15 people in the space ship are listed at the end of this document. Assume that this is the only information you have on these individuals. List below the 7 persons who were eliminated and briefly list the reasons for the decision.
Name Age Description
Sarah Jansen 34 Divorced, unable to have children. Advanced degree in education, excellent teacher.
Bonnie Jansen 9 4th grade, good health, average student. Mrs. Jansen's daughter.
Susan Adams 31 Unmarried, beginning nursing student, does not date men.
Sam Markus 25 Interested in electronics. Comes from very poor background. Married with pregnant wife. Introvert who likes to be left alone.
Ruth Markus 20 Wife of Mr. Markus. Six months pregnant. College graduate in art. Having marital problems.
Father Crimble 40 Catholic priest. Good health. A Socialist who is active in liberal politics.
Dr. Joe Perkins 68 Medical doctor. History of heart problems but is currently practicing medicine.
Dr. Ed Miller 38 Ph.D. in psychology. University professor. 1 child. Recently divorced.
Michael Miller 11 Son of Dr. Miller. Physically healthy but mentally retarded with IQ around 75.
Jean Majors 21 Former beauty queen. High school drop-out. Likes to work with children.
June Hart 42 Women's rights activist, college educated in nursing. Divorced, no children.
Tom Stein 27 Atheist, history of emotional problems. Medical student in his final year of study.
Emily Johnson 25 Reformed prostitute. Divorced, one infant child. Unable to have more children.
Lisa Johnson 1 Infant daughter of Emily Johnson. Nursing, good health.
John Watson 19 Sophomore college student, average grades, undecided on major.