
Define and give an example of both charity and justice


For this module, read the following:

A. The Light of Faith (Lumen Fidei) 45-60

B. God is Love (Deus Caritas Est) 16-29

C. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Open Wide Our Hearts: The Enduring Call to Love - A Pastoral Letter Against Racism pages 1-17 (excerpts)

D. Martin Luther King Jr. - Letter from a Birmingham Jail

E. Catechism of the Catholic Church summaries III.1 (i.e. paragraphs 1812-1833-1845, 1870-1876, 1890-1896, 1918-1927, 1943-1948, 1975-1986, 2017-2029, 2047-2051)

• In our readings this week, we saw the significance of charity and the love of others. We also learned the difference between charity and justice. Define and give an example of both charity and justice. When it comes to an issue like discrimination or racism- how might charity and justice be applied differently and address different elements of the same social/moral problem?

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