
Define and explain the impact of marginal dollar

Assignment 1

Problem 1: Prepare a brief paragraph on the impact of Sputnik and "A Nation at Risk' on public education ( treat separately ).

Problem 2: Expound on the statement that education is an investment in "Human Capital"

Problem 3: What vehicle is used to transfer private sector profits to the public sector?

Problem 4: Provide a brief definition of the following:


  • Equity
  • Equality
  • Cost-benefit
  • Cost-quality


Problem 5: Define and explain the impact of "Marginal Dollar Principal" and "Point of Diminishing Returns" on the financing of public education.

Problem 6: In what way is the U.S. a world leader in public education? In what way are we not?

Problem 7: What are the elements of an economic good? In what way is education unique?

Problem 8: What are a few of the non-economic benefits of public education?

Assignment 2

Problem 1: School expenditures are constantly increasing. What past and current factors have driven costs up?

Problem 2: What economic impact does the lack of education pose on the individual and society as a whole?

Assignment 3

Problem 1: Provide a brief overview regarding equity in the financing of public education as it relates to:

The varying needs of students

At the school level (school comparison)

For taxpayers

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Finance Basics: Define and explain the impact of marginal dollar
Reference No:- TGS01116126

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Student-based budgeting reforms have increased equity in the financing of public education. Weighted student funding involves ensuring that individual student needs determine the allocation of school funds (Boser, 2014). For instance, if the student is disabled, low income or an English language learner will affect the fund allocation. The reform improves educational effectiveness by providing flexibility in schools. It eliminates programs that led to the awarding of categorical program grants,

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