
Define and explain reach and frequency concepts

ADVERtising and marketing - discusion

Media planners are in the business to make connections. When done right, they can link brand messages with customers and stakeholders. Media planners seek to identify and activate the points of contact so that the brand messages touch consumers.


Media planning is all about reach and frequency.

• Paragraph 1: Define and explain these concepts (reach and frequency).

• Paragraph 2: Argue which you believe to be more important. Or are they equally important?

• Paragraph 3: Research an existing real world example that supports your argument. Provide support by citing and referencing a recent article from the Library's full-text databases.

Your analysis must be substantiated by research from professional and college-level resources such as the course text or articles from the library's full-text databases. Failure to use an article from the AIU library's full text databases will result in deductions of up to 30% for the main post.

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Marketing Management: Define and explain reach and frequency concepts
Reference No:- TGS01782293

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