
Define and discuss the target behavior

Positive reinforcement case analysis

1Q. Briefly recap the case, discussing your observations and clearly identifying a research

2Q. Define and discuss the target behavior(s), providing background information regarding why it's important to address the behavior.

3Q. Speculate as to why Mr. Smith's previous interventions may not have been successful.

4Q. Formulate a hypothesis regarding what intervention will result in a specific level and direction of desired change in the target behavior.

5Q. Choose an effective modification program to test your hypothesis for your hypothetical experiment - such as a token economy, lottery, or positive reinforcement - and discuss how you would implement your program and the rationale for your choice, based upon current scientific literature.

a. State clearly the target behavior to be changed.

b. What is your hypothesis regarding what is maintaining the target behavior? Make explicit the relationship between the target behavior and the environmental contingencies that are maintaining the behavior.

c. Make explicit how you expect the target behavior to change as a direct result of the modification program you have designed.

6Q. Make explicit how the proposed behavior plan will be monitored and outcomes analyzed, drawing clear conclusions.

a. Make explicit what will be considered a successful intervention (reductions in frequency, magnitude, duration, and/or reported distress).

b. In addition, make explicit how the proposed intervention may be further modified in respect to targeted behaviors if appropriate i.e., address an alternative outcome by noting how you would approach altering the intervention if the expected outcome was not attained.

7Q. Clearly communicate anticipated results, addressing any potential issues of response maintenance, response transfer and/or extinction.

8Q. What are the value/risks/strategies in using the same person as their own experimental control?



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Marketing Management: Define and discuss the target behavior
Reference No:- TGS01786988

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