
Define and describe principles of ethical leadership

1. Culture
Define culture and explain the terms related to culture. Define and describe ethnocentrism and prejudice. Give personal examples to support your descriptions. Explain the dimension of culture that research has focused on in the past 30 years.

2. Ethical Leadership
Define and describe the principles of ethical leadership. Which two of the five covered (Respects others, Serves others, Shows justice, Manifests honesty and Builds community) do you think are the most important and why?

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Business Management: Define and describe principles of ethical leadership
Reference No:- TGS025307

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The solution is about the two questions provided about the culture and the ethical leadership. As cultural plays an vital role in the society as it depends on the basic communication of the people. ethical leadership is also important as per personal point of view if we respect others we get the same from the others. Word document is in Times Roman, 1.5 spaced, and Harvard style of references.

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