
Define and describe mathematics

Assignment Task: Your essay must draw upon the course materials and specifically address the following two points:

Problem 1: Define and describe mathematics. Support your discussion with one everyday (maths) phenomenon (e.g. in nature or built environments) that can be explained using mathematics.

For example; the number of petals on a lily blossom is always a Fibonacci number, the way in which fern leaves form a geometric fractal or the symmetry of a butterfly. Other examples may include; the fractions of notes per measure to fit the tempo in music or the construction of the Egyptian pyramids using Pythagorean Theorem.

Problem 2: Define and describe numeracy, including at least one example of where you have used numeracy skills in your everyday life.

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Tags: Mathematics Assignment Help, Mathematics Homework Help, Mathematics Coursework, Mathematics Solved Assignments, Pythagorean Theorem Assignment Help, Pythagorean Theorem Homework Help, Numeracy Assignment Help, Numeracy Homework Help

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Mathematics: Define and describe mathematics
Reference No:- TGS03038061

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