Define analogous and homologous traits and provide an

Homework Directions:

- You will answer 4 short answer/essay questions, each worth 5 points.
- The questions will draw primarily from your textbook.
- Each answer should be approximately 200 words, its not an exact science, but if you're only writing a sentence or two you are not going into enough detail, or answering the entire question.
- When answering questions that ask for a definition, do not use a quote from the book to give that definition! Put the answer in your own words to show you understand what is being asked.
- Use quotations sparingly. Answers that are quote after quote do not show understanding or analysis and will be marked down.
- Do not use bullet points, graphs, charts or other methods to answer. You need to write out your analysis/answer to show me you understand the material.
- Any quotes or outside sources need to be appropriately cited.
- All answers need to be written at a college level with appropriate spelling, punctuation and grammar.
- You will be turning all of your homework in through the TurnItIn. So remember, if you cheat, it will catch you!


1. Define analogous and homologous traits and provide an example of each.

2. Discuss the factors that influence primate social structure. What similarities and differences can be drawn between nonhuman and human primate social structures?

3. What characteristics define a hominin? Discuss which aspects of your definition can be assessed in the fossil record.

4. Discuss the fossil finds at Dmanisi in terms of their morphology and in terms of the information they provide about the dispersal of hominids out of Africa.

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Term Paper: Define analogous and homologous traits and provide an
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