Name the document measurements1.xsd.
A XML declaration should be the first line.
This should list version 1.0 and an encoding of UTF-8
The XML Schema Namespace should use "" in its declaration.
Use the namespace xsd qualifier.
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Define a simple type, of type restriction, named "measurementType". This type should have a base of "xsd:string". Define two xsd:enumerations with values of "distanceType" and "weightType".
Define a simple type, of type "xsd:restriction", named "disType". This type should have a base of "xsd:string". Define two enumerations with values of "imperial" and "metric".
Define a simple type, of type "xsd:restriction", named "weiType". This type should have a base of "xsd:string". Define two enumerations with values of "troy" and "gram".
PAGE 165
Define an element with a name of "measurement".
Within "measurement", define a complex type.
Within this complex type, define a choice with minOccurs and maxOccurs both equal to "1".
Within this choice, define two elements.
The first choice is "distance" with an attribute of measureDistance with a type of disType
The second choice is "weight" with an attribute of measureWeight with a type of weiType
Define an attribute for this element. Name it "typeOfMeasurement" with a type of "measurementType"