
Define an early-warning spi tracking metric with trigger

Words: total 3750 (1250 words + 2500 words)

Message: I need unit-5 case study-1250 words

??Unit- research project-2500 words.

"Write a 3 to 5 page paper (1000 to 1500 words) in APA format in response to the five questions listed in page 64. Below is a recommended outline.

1. Cover page (See APA Sample paper)

2. Introduction
b. A thesis statement
c. Purpose of paper
d. Overview of paper

3. Body (Cite sources with in-text citations.)
Provide detailed explanations for your diagram and answers

a. For the Order Entry subsystem, define an early-warning SPI tracking metric with trigger values and a supporting graphic display.

b. Despite the team's heroic efforts to keep the Order Entry subsystem on schedule, it has fallen behind and used the management reserve. You are now expected to be two days late. The Logistics subsystem can no longer start on schedule, and the contractors are booked to start. What are you going to do?

c. For the case study, suppose you had six independent teams, each working on a different subsystem. Given what you know about this project, how would you structure the project team? What are the strengths and weaknesses of your choice? What are some potential risks, and how would you plan for them?

Support your discussion with any necessary sources. Be sure to include in-text citations in all cases.

4. Conclusion - Summary of main points
a. Lessons Learned and Recommendations

5. References - List the references you cited in the text of your paper according to APA format.
(Note: Do not include references that are not cited in the text of your paper)."

I need research paper page no 202 of 203 2500 words without format in a week from now.
"Assignment: The Research Paper

Your assignment is to create a 12-page argumentative/persuasive research paper given one of the following options:

Option 1. Argue for or against an established theory.

Option 2. Argue for or against your own theory.

Option 3. Argue for or against a business decision, organizational plan, business philosophy, policy decision, or concept related to the class.

The paper should cite approximately eight peer reviewed full text journal articles retrieved from ProQuest, BE & T, InfoTrac, and Academic OneFile. Your paper should integrate at least the following elements:

The presentation of a firm position regarding your stance or theory.

An offering of a strong position using evidence-based argumentation.

An address of opposing points as to present a well-rounded argument controlling personal biases and strengthening your argument while diminishing the opposition's points.

An effort to use evidence and argument flow as to instill a sense of trust into your reader.

Do you feel stuck while planning your argument? If so, then try jumpstarting the assignment by using the following steps:

1. Choose a stance you believe in and write down why you believe in the stance.

Ask yourself the following questions:

Who is my audience and which points will they be interested in?

What kind of tone am I assuming for my argument?

Does my tone match the audience? (If not, consider changing your tone.)

Am I engaging in a fallacy or illogical stance? (Make sure you make sense or no one will believe you!)

Would someone agree or disagree with me given my points? (Argue with yourself as to find the strengths and weaknesses of your stance.)

Am I making a moral or cultural argument? (If so, you may need to reconsider a stance able to utilize scholarly literature.)


Can I research my stance? (If not, you may need to consider a new stance.)

2. Research as to find the evidence needed to support your stance or theory. Seek the needed facts, quotes, and existing research you can use for your argument

3. Outline and write the essay starting with the evidence-supported defense of your points and slowly transition into an address of opposing points.

4. Provide a brief summary of the argument as to conclude the essay.

Paper Requirements

The analysis requires the additional components:

One nameless/anonymous or web reference.

Two APA formatted short quotes used to support the paper.

One APA formatted figure that you created that helps support your argument and research findings.

APA formatted paper including:
o Font: Times New Roman, 12 point, and double spaced.
o Margins: One inch margins, all around.
o Indents: One-half inch indent as to begin a paragraph.
o Proper APA citations and references.
o Proper use of Level 1 headings as to label the introduction, main body, and conclusions segments.
o Proper use of Level 2 headings as to label the sections within the main body and conclusions.
o A proper title page.
o A reference page utilizing hanging indents and alphabetized by the last name of the first author.

Free of spelling errors and minimal use of passive voice."

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Project Management: Define an early-warning spi tracking metric with trigger
Reference No:- TGS01356208

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