Honors Examination: Algebra Spring 2006
1. A commutative ring A is called a local ring if it has a unique maximal ideal m.
(a) Show that if A is a commutative ring in which all the non-invertible elements of A form an ideal, then A is a local ring.
(b) Suppose A is a local ring with unique maximal ideal m. Show that m consists of all the non-invertible elements of A.
(c) Which of the following are local rings?
(i) The ring Z of integers.
(ii) The field C of complex numbers.
(iii) The polynomial ring C[x].
2. Define α = √2 + √3.
(a) Show that Q(α) = Q(√2, √3).
(b) Find the minimum polynomial of α over Q.
(c) Show that the extension Q(α)/Q is normal.
(d) Compute the Galois group of Q(α) over Q.
3. For this exercise, define

(a) Justify that R and S are rings with the usual matrix operations of addition and multiplication.
(c) Show that R is a field isomorphic to the field of complex numbers.
(b) Show that S is a division ring, meaning that each nonzero element of S has a multiplicative inverse.
(d) Show that S is not a field.
4. Let p be prime, n be a positive integer, and q = pn.
(a) Show that if f (x), g(x) ∈ Fq[x] are distinct polynomials of degree at most q -1, then they are different as functions; i.e., there exists α ∈ Fq such that f (α) ≠ g(α).
(b) How many distinct functions are there from Fq to Fq? How many distinct polynomials are there of degree at most q- 1 with coefficients in Fq? Conclude that every function from Fq to Fq can be represented as a polynomial of degree at most q - 1 with coefficients in Fq.
(c) Show that if ψ is an automorphism of a finite field Fq, then ψ is of the form ψ(x) = xp^k.
5. Let α ∈ S5 be the permutation (12)(34).
(a) Determine the conjugacy class of α in S5
(b) Determine all the elements of S5 that commute with α.
(c) Determine the conjugacy class of α in A5.
6. Given a field k, GLn(k) denotes the group of all n x n invertible matrices with entries in k, and SLn(k) denotes the group of all n x n matrices with determinant 1. Define PSLn(k) to be the quotient of SLn(k) by its center.
(a) Prove that SLn(k) is a normal subgroup of GLn(k).
(b) Prove that the center of GLn(k) is the set of all matrices of the form λIn where λ ∈ k.
(c) What is the center of SLn(C)?
(d) Prove that PSL2(F2) ≅ S3.
7. Consider the partition of { 1 , . . . , nm} given by

Let W be the subgroup of Snm consisting of all permutations that preserve this partition; that is, for all σ ∈ W, if i, j ∈ Pk, then for some l, we have σ(i), σ(j) ∈ Pl.
(a) Show that W acts transitively on { 1 , . . . n m}, meaning that for any 1 ≤ i, j ≤ nm, there exists σ ∈ W such that σ(i) = j.
(b) Show that W has a normal subgroup N isomorphic to Sm x Sm x ··· x Sm, that fixes each Pi.
(c) Show that W/N is isomorphic to Sn.
8. For which values of n between 3 and 6 is it possible to construct the regular n-gon by straightedge and compass? As usual, justify all your answers.
9. Let p be an odd prime and let e be an integer with 1 ≤ e ≤ p - 2 and gcd(p - 1, e) = 1.
(a) Prove there exists a positive integer d such that de ≡ 1 (mod p- 1) and 1 ≤ d ≤ p- 2.
(b) The Pohlig-Hellman Cryptosystem consists of two functions from Zp to Zp: enciphering is accomplished by the map
ε(m) = me (mod p)
and deciphering is accomplished by the map
D(m) = md (mod p).
Show that ε and D are inverse functions.
10. Let G be a group with 110 elements.
(a) Prove that G has exactly one Sylow 11-subgroup.
(b) Classify all the groups of order 110.
(c) Prove that G must contain a subgroup of order 10.
11. Let n be a positive integer, Sn the symmetric group on n characters, and V an n-dimensional vector space over a field k with basis {v1, . . . , vn}. Define an action of Sn on V via
σvi = vσ(i).
If φ: Sn → GLn(k) is the corresponding matrix representation, prove that

12. Let d ∈ Z be square-free and x, y ∈ Q.
(a) If d ≡ 3 (mod 4), then under what conditions is x + y√d an algebraic integer?
(b) Show that Z[√-5] is integrally closed.
(c) Show that Z[√-5] is not a Unique Factorization Domain.
(d) If d ≡ 1 (mod 4), then under what conditions is x + y√d an algebraic integer?
(e) Show that Z[√5] is not integrally closed.
(f) Show that Z[√5] is a Unique Factorization Domain.