
define about the manganese deficiencymn

Define about the Manganese Deficiency?

Mn deficiency has been observed in many species of animals and symptoms include: impaired growth, skeletal abnormalities, depressed reproductive function and defects in lipids and carbohydrate metabolism. With respect to humans, there is a little evidence of Mn deficiency as this mineral is widely distributed in a variety of foods. However, limited studies have reported symptoms of its deficiency after consuming experimental diets deficient in Mn.

These included dermatitis, depressed growth of hair and nail, hypocholesterolemia and weight loss. Please note that sample size was very small in these limited experimental studies. Evidence is accumulating that Mn deficiency may be present in selected groups. It has been reported in patients on long-term parenteral nutrition when the solutions were low in Mn content. Modest supplementation of iron can result in lowering of lymphocyte Mn-SOD activity in humans. In view .of high frequency of iron supplementation by some groups, it is worthwhile to find out the incidence of Fe- supplementation-induced reductions in Mn status. Mn deprivation has been associated with osteoporosis, diabetes, epilepsy, atherosclerosis and impaired wound healing. While a low Mn level in body tissues can affect the human health adversely, a higher than normal intake may also influence several functions.

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Biology: define about the manganese deficiencymn
Reference No:- TGS0307262

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