define about the iodine toxicitya wide range of

Define about the Iodine Toxicity?

A wide range of iodine intakes is tolerated by most individuals, owing to the ability of the thyroid to regulate total body iodine. This tolerance to huge doses of iodine in healthy iodine-replete adults is the reason why WHO stated in 1994 that, "Daily iodine intakes of up to 1 mg, i.e. 1000 pg, appear to be entirely safe". This statement, of course, does not include neonates and young infants. Over 2 mg iodine/day for long periods should be regarded as excessive or potentially harmful to most people. Such high intakes are unlikely to arise from natural foods, except for diets that are very high in seafood and/or seaweed or comprising foods contaminated with iodine.

In contrast to iodine-replete individuals, those with IDD or previously exposed to iodine-deficient diets may react to sudden moderate increases in iodine intake, such as from iodized salt. Iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis (hyperthyroidism) and toxic modular goitre may result from excess iodine exposure in these individuals. Hyperthyrodism is largely confined to those over 40 years of age and symptoms are rapid heart rate, trembling, excessive sweating, lack of sleep, and loss of weight and strength. Individuals who are sensitive to iodine usually have mild skin symptoms. Thus, the level of iodine in the body can be a vital biochemical indicator for assessing the impact of a sub-optimal iodine intake and for outlining an appropriate patient care process. Let us find out which parameters can be helpful in the field and clinical settings.

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Biology: define about the iodine toxicitya wide range of
Reference No:- TGS0307276

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