
define about the geriatric nutritionaging has

Define about the Geriatric Nutrition?

Aging has been defined as "a series of time related process that ultimately brings life to a close." Persons of 60 years of age and older are defined as elderly by WHO M. Successful aging is said to be multidimensional and has been defined as "encompassing the avoidance of disease and disability, maintenance of cognitive and physical function and sustained social and productive activity.

By 2020, around 13% of global population (1 billion people) would be above 60 years of age. It is expected that 1/3rd of this total population will be in developing countries.  The increment being approximately 3% per year in developing countries and 1% per year in developed countries. It is important that the elderly live a healthy and functional life than live with chronic disabilities. Since elderly are more susceptible to chronic  and degenerative problems it would be interesting to know more about the physical  and physiological changes linked with aging.

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Biology: define about the geriatric nutritionaging has
Reference No:- TGS0309946

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