Define about the Carbohydrates?
In the previous unit, we came to know that availability of glucose is the major factor in exercise performance. Hence, carbohydrate manipulation is generally done by either increasing glycogen stores before the event or by consuming carbohydrates during the event. Few days before the event, generally carbohydrate loading procedure is adopted by the athletes but this procedure is recommended only for events lasting more than 90 min or repetitive events occurring in single or multiple days. Events like sprinting, runs 10 km, weight lifting, hockey games etc. have lesser benefits of carbohydrate loading. When an event lasts more than one hour, an athlete may benefit from consuming carbohydrates during exercise. Drinks, such as diluted fruit juices or sports drinks, which contain less than 24 g of carbohydrate per cup, may be the best form for this. It is important to eat a high carbohydrate snack after an exercise session to replace muscle glycogen stores.